Minimizing Costs by Increasing Your Website Traffic for Free

Minimizing Costs by Increasing Your Website Traffic for Free

Minimizing Costs by Increasing Your Website Traffic for Free
By Charlie N Jones

When you first launch your company, you don't have much capital to invest in boosting your internet traffic. You have a dozen other places to invest each dollar and naturally, you prefer to invest your money in improving your product, your delivery and your customer service, rather than boosting online traffic. Yet without traffic, you have no customers, no deliveries to make and no need for a product. So should you invest all your extra capital into increasing your traffic flow? No! Not only is it possible to boost your traffic for free, it can also be better for your growing business.

The benefits of free and low-cost traffic boosters

While there are many expensive ways to boost traffic and guarantee a higher rate of customers, in the early days of your business, you benefit more from using low-budget methods to boost your traffic. This way, you can assess what works and what doesn't, and you can maintain steady business growth, rather than being overwhelmed by an unexpected rush of business before you are ready for it.

The essential for building traffic

When it comes to building traffic, energy and motivation are far more important than money. You need to understand your customers intimately in order to draw them to your site and keep them coming back and recommending you to others. And the more energy you expend learning about your customers, the more your business will profit overall.

Paying for advertisements will certainly give you a bigger traffic flow with less effort, but in the beginning you will benefit from keeping your capital for other essentials and maintaining a steady and manageable increase in customers.

So what are the cost-free strategies for building your traffic?

Strong content

It is essential to have good SEO rich content that highlights your key selling point. You want visitors to see exactly what you have to offer and why you are better than anyone else.

You don't need to pay for someone to research the best SEO keywords or phrases for your page - you can do your own research, using any of the free keyword tools available on the internet.

Rather than hiring a freelance writer, you can write your own content. To ensure it is easy to read and straight to the point, start by writing a list of features and benefits in point-form, then expand this into paragraphs. Always read the content out loud before posting it, so you can fix any confusing sentences or spelling errors.

Online communities and forums

Find a few online forums and communities that relate to your business niche, and participate in the general online discussions. Do not use these forums to post direct information about your bargains or discounts - you are here to promote your expertise rather than your product. Keep information about your products and services on your website, and broadcast your expertise everywhere else. When you convince fellow-participants that you are an expert in your field, they will be drawn to your website, where they will discover all your products and services.

Online forums also give you an insight into the concerns and desires of your potential customers. By participating in discussions about their experience with your competitors, you can discover new ways to strengthen your business model and provide something unique and marketable.


When you network your business effectively, you will communicate with potential customers who don't want your business today but may want it sometime in the future. You can hold onto these long-term potential customers by providing them with a regular newsletter to keep them informed of all your products and service. The newsletter also acts as a timely regular reminder that when they are looking for someone in their field, they want you!

Keep your newsletter interesting, informative and upbeat. If there is a media story relating to your industry, write your own perspective of the issue. Invite other industry experts to contribute articles or other content. If your newsletter is consistently enjoyable to read, you will maintain a steady readership and hold onto long-term customer opportunities.

Trading Links

Set up a deal with another webmaster to exchange links and create traffic for each other. Every visitor to your partner's site could potentially click on any of the links to your site. Make sure you only establish partnerships with webmasters featuring the same niche as your website. Visitors will not be so tempted to click on links that have no relevance to their original search.

Writing Articles

You can write articles as "soft" advertising for your site. Articles "sell" your expertise and experience rather than the product you are promoting. A well-written article presenting an original and intriguing angle of your industry will help build your reputation and enhance your credibility. And of course, you have the opportunity to include links to your website, boosting your traffic while strengthening your reputation as an expert.

When your budget is low and you want to concentrate on building your business, these methods can help you increase site traffic so you can draw in customers who will promote your website for you.

Do you want more free traffic methods and perhaps some really targeted paid methods? Visit my blog and click at the top of the page marked "Traffic Generation Club" for your FREE Silver Membership (normally $27.00)


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